
Final Field Study

 Tuesday November 29 at 3:20 PM. it was about 56 degrees fahrenheit.  It was really windy and I spooked 3 deer while I was walking out there, but didnt get a picture quick enough.  the sunrise was at 7:51 AM, and the sunset at 5:09 PM, giving us 9:18 minutes of daylight. 

field study 5

 November 15 at 7:17 AM sunrise at 7:36 AM   9 hours and 46 minutes of daylight today  it was 31 degrees fahrenheit this morning, there was a little bit of snow falling while I was out there, and I am fairly certain I spooked some deer walking out there. there was little to no snow actually sticking to the ground where I live. it is interesting to see the difference between my first field study and this one, there are far fewer plants now and it was far easier to get through the brush to get out there.

field study 4

 Sunday October 30 at 6:04 PM Time (EDT) Temp. (ºf) Humidity (%) Dew Point (ºf) Barometer (inHG) Wind Speed (mph) 6:05 PM 59 54.89 42.8 29.95 4 the length of day was 10 hours and 24 minutes. deer bedding down.  the colors have really changed, the white flowers are gone, all the leaves have fallen off of the trees and everything is less vibrant.  deer trails, deer have been bedding down all over in my field study. Deer tracks, saw a ton of deer this past week out in my field study I scared a deer off on accident walking out to my field study, tried to get a picture but wasn't able to, heard it grunt to some other deer.  kinda overcast day, the sun is hidden behind the clouds. 

field study pt. 3

 October 13 at 6:24 weather: cloudy with some rain pretty windy temperature 43 length of day 11:09 sunrise: 7:53 AM  sunset: 7:03 PM pretty cool plant, didn't see any other ones, it has purple leaves and a black or purple bulb thing on top.  deer trail

field study pt. 2

September 29th at 7:09  

Video of field study